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So far admin has created 49 blog entries.

Three Rules for Dentists Going Chartless or Paperless

There are many great reasons for dental offices to transition from paper charts to digital charts, though change in any capacity always takes work. Rest assured, this change will be well worth your efforts, and those of your staff. Your investment of time and money will not be wasted, and for years to come you’ll [...]

By |2016-11-17T17:38:31+00:00November 16th, 2016|Healthcare|

Do your dental patients witness you violating HIPAA?

HIPAA has been around for 20 years now, yet many dental practices have barely started their HIPAA compliance journey. Despite two decades of regulation, I see multiple violations before even passing the front desk in many offices. As a HIPAA Risk Assessor, I’m trained to look for these things. But have you considered how many [...]

By |2016-11-17T17:39:12+00:00November 16th, 2016|Healthcare|

Preparing Against Current Healthcare Cybersecurity Threats

Monitoring endpoint security and having outside companies conduct risk assessments are key steps to prepare against healthcare cybersecurity threats.  As more healthcare ransomware cases are reported, it becomes even more apparent that organizations of all sizes can no longer assume that they will never be a target of a healthcare cybersecurity attack. Covered entities must [...]

By |2016-11-22T23:20:27+00:00November 16th, 2016|Healthcare, Security & Compliance|

Server FAIL: 3 signs your server is on the brink

Servers, like home furnaces, are critical pieces of infrastructure that should work without issue for many years. But eventually they will start struggling, maybe rattling a bit or not working as efficiently as they once did. They might limp along for a while, but one sad day, they go dark. Maybe it’s a quick component [...]

How to Recognize a Fake Virus Warning

Pop up messages claiming that you have a virus and you are in need of anti-virus software may, ironically, actually contain a virus that could harm your computer, cause costly repairs or, even worse, lead to identity theft. Here's what you need to know to protect yourself from scareware. I have a friend in the [...]

Business Administration Services (BAS) Success Story

The Challenge: Business Administration Services, LLC (BAS) was facing a dilemma. As a small bookkeeping services firm that specializes in the construction industry, BAS also offers IT services to its clients as a means to broaden its service offerings.  But with just one IT person available to support both itself and its clients, the level [...]

By |2016-11-23T00:37:52+00:00November 15th, 2016|Success Stories|

Why Network Monitoring?

What’s happening on your network? If you don’t feel you have a handle on that question, you should enhance your network monitoring capabilities. Network monitoring software keeps an eye on devices, traffic, and servers on corporate or educational networks and notifies network administrators when things go wrong. It’s a key weapon in a network manager’s [...]

Six Ways to Make Your Dental Practice HIPAA Compliant

Do you think you’ve got everything covered with HIPAA? The growing numbers of reported data breaches say otherwise. Let’s start with the real reasons why dental professionals are confused by HIPAA. You know you need to do something about HIPAA, so you start with an inexpensive do-it-yourself solution. Seems easy enough, but most are written [...]

By |2016-11-17T17:38:53+00:00November 14th, 2016|Healthcare|

How often does your technology experience trouble?

If your business is constantly dealing with technical hiccups, your assets that are meant to be a boon to your organization, can quickly become a nuisance that holds you back. How can you take better care of your technology, and use it to usher in a new era of productivity? First, we might need to [...]

By |2016-11-23T00:38:21+00:00November 14th, 2016|IT Productivity, Small & Mid-Size Business|
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